Profilo di Andrea Ruddy

Integrity At Heart - Code Of Conduct

It was not enough for this client to educate their employees on compliance topics, such as working with third parties, gifts & entertainment and conflicts of interest as they had in previous years, instead they requested to take a more narrative approach, featuring a range of characters navigating real business challenges in order to boost employee engagement.

The threaded story unfolds much like a sequel and features reoccurring characters, social-media influenced effects, multimedia and live action video and earned enthusiastic feedback from both the client and their employees.

The following pages show progression of preliminary course development to final design deliverable over a 6 month time frame.
Development included creating vision boards in order to determine the theme that tied in strongly with existing company values.
Development of "Integrity at Heart" theme included creating a high fidelity mockup of distinct visual theme, featuring a reoccurring heart-theme that was still recognizable, but much more subtle.
Final deliverable included full course design & implementation, including photography, iconography and integrating accessibility requirements, as well as client branding, animated title & section pages, audio effects and custom multimedia, live action photo- and video shoot.
Integrity At Heart - Code Of Conduct


Integrity At Heart - Code Of Conduct
