Profil von Deniz Kırbaş

Packaging design for stuffed mussels

We love eating street food while walking on the street. We have difficulty walking on the street while eating stuffed mussels, which are frequently sold and consumed on the streets in Türkiye. Because, as you know, although eating stuffed mussels is enjoyable, it is a process that gets our hands dirty. We also have to open the mussel shell with both hands and make it fit to eat. In this design, the user can easily continue walking on the street while eating stuffed mussels, because this design offers the experience of eating stuffed mussels with one hand. The stuffed mussels, whose shells are opened and placed in the package by the seller, can be eaten by the user with one hand after squeezing lemon on them and the shells can be placed in the section reserved for waste. After the entire eating process is completed, the user can clean his/her hands with a wet wipe, throw the package in the trash and continue walking on the street.
Packaging design for stuffed mussels

Packaging design for stuffed mussels
