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Tufts: Keeping You Healthy

Tufts is ranked as one of the top health and medicare provided in the US. Atfer designing both the Tufts Health Plan and Tufts Medicare Preferred site, Hunt & Gather was approached to educate senior management and marketing on the power of social media and devise a strategy by which the company could speak to consumers in a directly.

Challenges & Issues

The company faced significant sales and brand challenges:
Branding: No direct consumers channel outside of employers
Thought Leadership: C-level executives wanted platform to discuss company position
Social Media Strategy: Late to the game in utilizing social networks
Brand Awareness: Exposure to health care decision makers early

Targeted Moms

An evaluation of the member user site and research in health care costs and perceptions, showed that Mom’s were the primary consumers of health care and most concerned about coverage. Mom’s were specifically targeted by physicians and health care providers for both sick and wellness responsibilities and, therefore, the most interested in using all available benefits. Additionally, Moms were found to be the planner of meals, activities and events so were, by far, the busiest segment of the health care market.

Concept & Guiding UX principles

Hunt & Gather focused on Tuft’s brand promise and tag line, “Nobody does more to keep you healthy.”  And proposed a site that would be a one-stop hub for fun activities.  The guiding UX principles were easy, curated activities and tips that a busy mom could access quickly and were healthy, local and seasonal.  Moms need an incentive to try new things. Part of this concept and principle was to provide deals via coupons or discounts to any user and not just Tufts members.

Content Strategy & Structure

With an already strapped marketing department, Hunt & Gather identified, negotiated and built an API to pull data from an existing resource. This ensured the content to be constantly refreshed and relevant and made content creation and publishing easy to manage. Hyper local for the Moms also proved key to building a site structure that allow

Social Strategy

Hunt & Gather developed a social media strategy focusing on Facebook and Twitter, with guidelines for posting,  sharing and rating events and activities. Additionally, Hunt & Gather recommended a posting strategy that would capitalize on the proclivity of Moms following the recommendations of other Moms.


The site structure allows for users to find local events and activities via a calendar that filters and sorts based on tagging. Users are encouraged to suggest events, share tips, and comment/like events and activities. Because of the strict adherence to content specific to Moms and families, the site has been mirrored by Boston’s leading news channel (WCVB) as their Community calendar.

Wireframe & Design

Simple and Friendly were the key concepts behind the wire frame and design for The exercise allows Hunt & gather to move away from the conservative Tufts brand that is monitored by state and federal regulations. Hunt & Gather designed a site that appeals to busy Moms love to use.


Increased sales, sponsors, and employees leads

Over 1,500 active members within a single year

900+ Facebook / Twitter members

Streamlined content creation and publishing with little on-going investment

Selected as Boston Channel 5’s Community Calendar

460,798 unique visitors per month
Now a word from...

From Tuft’s marketing manager, Jason Schneiderson
" very successfully connected with the community using social media  and content in a truly unique way that helped Moms and families. In one year we have a following that is 55% of our largest initiative, the Tuft’s 10K which has been in existence for 35 years. Now, the company is ready to embrace social media in all facets of our business - sales, member benefits, and customer service. In our industry, this level of adoption and support is unprecedented, and we owe it to the Hunt & Gather team for keep this initiative true to needs of the audience."
Tufts: Keeping You Healthy

Tufts: Keeping You Healthy


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