Amnesie bijoux

bijoux · Côte d’Azur
Type: Jewelry Brand
Location: Nice, France

Branding Team: Guides agency​​​​​​​
Amnesie is a young and pretentious jewelry brand inspired by the vibe of the Côte d’Azur of France. Each jewelry collection is designed to suit different moods and images of women, from the delicately romantic to the unconventional and creative, ready to experiment. It is this diversity that creates the vision and development of the brand in accordance with global jewelry trends, allowing to experiment with the assortment, providing premium service.
Amnesie is a conscious loss of memory for the path to the new
The brand’s identity is designed in neutral, minimalistic tones to focus attention on the jewelry.
The logo is based on a font pairing of the classic fashion fonts Vogue Highline Serif and Artegra Sans, emphasizing the sphere of belonging.
Each collection has its own title, like volumes of books, so that the story of Amnesie is united by a single storyline, and its collections convey the mood and idea of the collection
Amnesie is a unique space where jewelry, modern art, decor and antiques are sold.
Interaction with the audience and guests takes place in the format of personal communication at the level of standards of jewelry brands in the luxury segment. The brand integrates the standards of hospitality and service to which they are accustomed in Ukraine, bringing to the French business what it lacks.

Creative director: Demi Fomchenkoff
Designer: Stas Kusto
Copywriter: Olga Shenderovska
Web design: Jack Nosov
Amnesie bijoux