Profil von Jack Wiehn

Writing Pals (Augmented Reality Experience)

My idea focuses on assisting preschool and lower elementary school children in learning handwriting effectively. It involves animated popups demonstrating how to write each letter in both print and cursive. By allowing students to trace the animated letters, it simplifies the learning process. Additionally, providing information to parents and teachers about the importance of handwriting encourages them to support and promote this skill in children. Integrating characters into the learning experience adds an element of fun and encouragement. Placing the system on desks or the floor in schools ensures accessibility and convenience.

From the range of objectives provided for the project, I opted to develop a concept aimed at educating viewers through interactive and engaging means. My chosen subject, 'Writing Pals,' addresses the prevalent issue of inadequate handwriting skills among students in the United States, impacting their ability to read handwritten content. Narrowing down my target audience to elementary students, I aimed to create an appealing and enjoyable visual presentation. The information is structured into three sections: the first outlines the advantages of handwriting, the second provides practical tips for improvement, and the third offers interactive exercises for practice.

AR Experience, Vector Illustration, Visual Design 

Adobe Aero and Illustrator
Class Project
AR Experience Walkthrough Videos
Photos of the Experience
This experience is versatile, offering value to both students in a classroom setting and families at home. Whether used in educational environments or during leisure time with parents, its adaptable nature ensures engagement and enjoyment across various contexts.
Sticker Design
With a focus on creating a visually captivating piece brimming with dynamism and fun, I drew inspiration from the vibrant and eccentric colors often seen in handwriting books. Emulating this effect, I strategically placed a piece of paper and introduced two inviting characters, Memo Max and Scribble Sam, encouraging viewers to embark on a learning journey with them. I am confident that the sticker's playful and inviting aesthetics will effortlessly captivate the attention of passersby, thereby amplifying its impact and fostering greater engagement.
Throughout my research process, I delved into a variety of valuable resources that significantly contributed to both my exploration and the development of my designs. One particularly enjoyable aspect was immersing myself in a diverse range of vibrant color palettes and captivating children's book illustrations. Observing this wealth of colors and patterns not only sparked inspiration but also deepened my understanding of their complexities. To refine my artistic approach, I relied on a meticulously curated mood board showcasing various artists' interpretations of handwriting materials. This visual reference proved invaluable in guiding my design direction. However, one of the most rewarding parts of the journey was sketching the characters themselves. This hands-on process allowed me to meticulously capture even the finest intricacies and details, fostering a deeper appreciation for the artistry involved.
Design Sketches & Prototyping
Initially, I envisioned a static centerpiece with minimal interactivity, centered around a start button. However, I gravitated towards a more dynamic design with increased user interaction as my creative journey progressed. Embracing these innovative elements added vibrancy and energy, significantly enhancing the overall composition. Reflecting on this evolution, I'm immensely satisfied with the decision. It underscores the importance of flexibility in the creative process and reaffirms my belief in the transformative power of embracing change.
Embarking on this project has been incredibly rewarding. Designing for a subject I'm passionate about has infused every step with excitement and dedication. Despite encountering challenges with Adobe Aero, I persevered, optimizing files and embracing trial and error to enhance workflow. My inaugural experience with Aero was enlightening and satisfying, swiftly mastering its functionalities to bring my illustrations to life in augmented reality (AR). The final AR creation, showcasing vibrant 'Writing Pals,' effectively engaged viewers with dynamic visuals. Reflecting on this journey, I've gained a profound understanding of composition within AR contexts. Witnessing the design evolve into a tangible, interactive form underscored the importance of thoughtful design choices. Given more time, I would have expanded the AR experience to encompass additional facets of handwriting. Overall, this project deepened my appreciation for design and the possibilities offered by emerging technologies like AR.
Writing Pals (Augmented Reality Experience)


Writing Pals (Augmented Reality Experience)
