Netflix: At The Moment 此時此刻 | Motion Graphic

Netflix: At The Moment 此時此刻 - Behind The Scenes Video Transition Styleframe 幕後花絮設計 | Motion Graphics

The pandemic may have brought the world to a halt, but love persists.
At this very moment, 10 heartwarming love stories are unfolding.
Grandvity Design collaborated with Netflix to create behind-the-scenes videos, title sequences, and style frames for the show "At The Moment" (此時此刻). We collaborated with the public relations team on the press conference day, providing art direction for photography and video promotions.

Client | Netflix
Production | 物以類聚視覺整合 Grandvity Design⁣

Creative Director|Noodlemaker
Administrative Director|Grape Chiu​
Project Director|Sarah Peng
Design Director|Si Jia Sun
Project Manager|Zoe Liu
Typography Designer | Jasmine Lin
Background Designer | Si Jia Sun
Motion Designer I Mori Workshop
Press Conference Art Director | 物以類聚視覺整合 Grandvity Design
Behind The Scenes Video Transition Styleframe ( 幕後花絮設計 ) | 物以類聚視覺整合 Grandvity Design
Photography Art Direction ( 記者會擺拍藝術指導 ) | 物以類聚視覺整合 Grandvity Design
Photography | 吳仲倫
Netflix: At The Moment 此時此刻 | Motion Graphic