Raising Awareness of TABASCO on an Industrial Scale
Whilst TABASCO is well recognized as the little bottle on the supermarket shelf, few are aware that it is also available on an industrial scale. TABASCO was looking to drive sales within the manufacturing industry by encouraging potential partners to consider using TABASCO in their products.  Aim was to convey the scale which TABASCO is produced on in order to raise awareness that TABASCO comes in much more than a little bottle, and is perfect for the Manufacturing industry due to its consistency of heat. Unlike using fresh, dried or frozen chillies, TABASCO’s unique process means that it always tastes the same, whether it’s from a 60ml bottle or a 50 gallon drum.
Tabasco Trade Ads

Tabasco Trade Ads

The advertising run from November 2012 to January 2013. Chillies visual was made with high-res photo of the chilli plant combined with 3d models 閱讀更多
