Gabriela Moldovan profili

Looking Back, I Choose Future

Looking Back, I Choose Future
Curatorial Text:
The solo exhibition of artist Larisa Petcuț highlights a bridge between past and future, by adopting the ecosystem from the rural environment and unfolding elements in real-time as socially weighty works in the present. Tradition, ritual, and rhythm are some of the basic elements that can be seen in the exhibition "Looking Back, I Choose Future," in which we are invited to step into time but with present-day concepts.

The past serves only as a starting point for artist Larisa Petcuț, as suggested by the title; she chooses to look towards the future, towards a future where traditional female practices signify power, independence, authenticity, and a gentle overflow of memory. By choosing to look towards the future, she urges us to reconsider our perceptions of traditions and reinterpret them in a contemporary context.

The present is a profound and authentic exploration of cultural heritage, a journey into the past with eyes and minds open to future perspectives. Larisa Petcuț encourages her audience to reflect on the meaning and significance of traditions, offering them a feminine hue and a strong feminist message. Her art thus becomes a tool for social transformation, laying the groundwork for a future where equity and diversity are fundamental values.

The future is inevitable, and the exhibition you are in seeks to stage a new pair of eyes, through which we can look beyond oppressive elements, orders, the phrase "this is how it should be," and the social order deeply ingrained in the collective mindset.
Looking Back, I Choose Future
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Looking Back, I Choose Future

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