Profil von Hannah Sherratt

IIAA Art Direction Moodboards

International Institute of Active Ageing is a brand who specialises in scientifically proven skincare methods from topical to supplements, they aim to give customers a 360 experience.

While I was freelancing there I was involved in the initial planning of the IIAA art direction rebrand project, the Head of Design gave me three phrases and asked me to explore the kind of imagery we could produce across skin, people, product, textures and visual language etc for the brand's image across digital and print.

Please note all moodboards below we created by images found across Pinterest / Google / Branded Content etc, I do not claim any of these.
IIAA are a brand of authority in skincare, 'Science Lifestyle' was to showcase their expertise through striking imagery but balancing educational content with making the science look more approachable.
'Skin Neutral' was a direction to focus on what IIAA core value is, that great skin is achievable for everyone, being confident in your own skin by using eye catching, more natural imagery.
Lastly, 'Bold & Bright' was an approach aimed at a younger generation, using colours and powerful visuals to explore what the future of skincare could look like.
IIAA Art Direction Moodboards

IIAA Art Direction Moodboards

