With the everyday help of touch and tactility we are able to initiate contact between each other and our environment, these contacts may range from the very common to the most intimate sentiments. The meaning of touch has begun to change in our technologically modern world. 
Touch, as a gesture, is no longer limited to emotional expression. Since the emergence of smart phones, touch has created accessibility to digital communication. In this series I photographed screens of smartphones, thus captivating the moment of touch. Although the creators of these impressions are not aware of their compositions when they touch their glass screens, the ever-changing picture of fingerprints gives way to a form of action painting. Consequently, I aimed to capture this phenomenon in its abstract form.​​​​​​​

Maribor, 2014
Touch #1

Touch #1

In today’s world of electronics, the meaning of touch seems to be changing. It has a different aspect as before. I took pictures of phones’ touch 閱讀更多

