ENG: Fanzine, mechanical reproduction and the Cannibalism Manifesto
ENG: This project was the union between mechanical reproduction and the Cannibalism Manifesto: Through the zine, we published some Brazilian works by Tarsila do Amaral, an artist of Brazilian Modernism who participated in the March of Utopias.

We absorbed foreign media to create something Brazilian: A way of mass disseminating art and national culture.
ENG: Zines were invented in the 20th century, in the USA, as an alternative way of disseminating information, art and culture.

Produced independently with a low cost, at a time when mass reproduction become popular, it was widely used by marginalized groups.

Fanzines are great examples of the work written by Walter Benjamin: Mechanical reproduction enabled the dissemination and mass creation of information and pieces of art.

Meanwhile, March of Utopias, written by Owsald de Andrade, introduces us to the Cannibalism Manifesto, a movement that aimed to absorb the foreign products and experiences to create something totally authentic and Brazilian in art and culture.
Fanzine Antropofágico

Fanzine Antropofágico

Trabalho realizado para a matéria de filosofia no primeiro período do curso Design de Produto na UEMG. Consiste em um fanzine com obras da Tarsi 閱讀更多
