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PowerBar Gel Pack Redesign

The PowerBar logo was updated to project the movement that the brand's products fueled. The logo redesign served as an impetus to update the packaging as well.
We knew from customer feedback that the pack was difficult to open and product delivery was an issue. I wanted to address these attributes in the redesign of the primary pack.
I reduced the width, raised the shoulders and virtually eliminated the neck, facilitating product delivery. I prototyped and tested various materials that were softer and rounded the edges to allow the pack to be comfortably tucked into a jog bra strap or the waistband of running shorts. The triangular shape of the top allowed athletes to open the pack with their teeth or sweaty hands while in sport. 
Overall result: reduced package materials, better product delivery and easy opening, better user experience.
The original die cut carton had an insert so that 12 gels were packed on each side, a laborious process. In store visits revealed the gel packs would slide down as the carton was shopped, concealing product. Also, the vertical orientation of packs stressed the material during shipment, causing leakers (defects). 
Overall result: reduced materials, reduced defects, better shopping experience.
Advertising campaigns were created to support the redesign. We often integrated these ads as part of other collateral and point-of-purchase displays. It kept us ahead of the competition. 
PowerBar Gel Pack Redesign

PowerBar Gel Pack Redesign

PowerBar Gel package redesign and brand update
