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Time Management Hacks for Online Learners

Time Management Hacks for Online Learners
“Your greatest asset is your earning ability. Your greatest resource is your time.” -Brian Tracy
Did you know that many students face stress and struggle with managing their time effectively?

According to an article published on Gitnux, about 54% of college students experience more stress due to poor time management. Additionally, 69% of college students say that working while attending college makes it harder for them to manage their time.

If you are a student and struggling with time management then you can relate to it. Balancing online learning with your everyday life can be as hectic as juggling exploding popcorn kernels in a movie theatre – chaotic and stressful! 

But don't worry, fellow online learner!

You can use some useful time management hacks to conquer your online learning courses efficiently.

Before you guys dive deep and get lost in the article, here is the most effective advice- No is an Answer too!

You can feel it like FOMO (fear of missing out) when managing your schedule at home means saying no to other fun activities. This might include 

-Saying no to your friends who just want you to leave home and chill.
-The urge to scroll through Instagram reels for wasting hours unknowingly.
-Saying no to yourself when you feel lazy or sleepy, and instead sticking to your study timetable.

These are some activities that we do not even realise in our daily life but if we focus on improving these habits then it can definitely improve our online learning schedule. Now, let's dive into the blog to discover the time management hacks that can boost your online studies.

Plan Like a Pro

Become a Syllabus Superhero:  Every online course syllabus is like a treasure map – it holds the key to all the assignments, deadlines, and exams.  Do not just skim it – you can mark important dates on a calendar and treat them like appointments that you absolutely cannot miss!

Break Down Big Projects into Bite-Sized Pieces: You can assume your project to be a giant pizza – it is delicious but impossible to eat all at once. The same goes for your big assignments or projects. You can break them down into smaller, more manageable tasks.

Tame the Tech Tiger

Silence the Notification Beast: You can stay focused by turning your phone notifications off. Social media notifications and email alerts are like tiny gremlins that constantly interrupt your focus. You can silence them during study sessions.

Embrace the Pomodoro Power:  You can use the Pomodoro Technique as a secret weapon against procrastination. You can start it by setting a timer for 25 minutes of focused study, then reward yourself with a short break. Just take it as training for a marathon – short bursts of focused work and short breaks will help to win the marathon.

Create Your Study Sanctuary

Find Your Fortress of Focus: just like a lion needs his cave to sleep peacefully without any distractions, you need a dedicated study space. This does not have to be a fancy room -  even a quiet corner with minimal distractions can work amazing.

De-Clutter Your Mental Battlefield: A messy study space can lead to a messy mind. You should keep your workspace organised and clutter-free so that you can feel like studying. A clear desk translates to clear thinking.

Remember: You Got This!

Reward Yourself: Remember your school days when you used to get a star for good work in elementary school, you can reward yourself for completing tasks and achieving goals.  The reward could be - A power walk, a fun movie night, or a favourite.

Do not Be Afraid to Ask for Help:  Sometimes, even superheroes need backup. So never be afraid to ask for help from teachers, classmates, or online tutors.
Remember- asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Spotify Podcasts on Time Management Tips
If you are someone who always runs out of time and needs something you can listen to on the go, there are some great picks of Spotify podcasts that will help you understand and learn more about time management hacks. You can listen to these podcasts to gain insight. Here is the list:

-‘It's About Time | Time Management & Productivity for Work Life & Balance’ By Anna Dearmon Kornick.
-‘Taking Your Time - Time Hacks, Tips, and Principles’ By Jacques Fu.
-‘Hack Your Time’ By Vikki Louise
-‘Productivity Unleashed with Sean: Hacks, Tools, and Strategies for Peak Performance’ By Sean Inman.
-‘The Productivity Show, Time Management’ By Getting Things Done (GTD)

You can implement these Time Management Hacks to make a huge impact. You will be well on your way to conquering the online classroom. Remember, online learning is a marathon, not a sprint. Pace yourself, stay focused, and you will achieve academic success in no time!
Time Management Hacks for Online Learners

Time Management Hacks for Online Learners
