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Trello Project Management

Trello is a widely used project management tool that provides a visual and intuitive way to organize tasks and projects.
It utilizes a board-and-card system, where users create boards to represent projects and lists within those boards to
represent different stages or categories of tasks. Cards are then used to represent individual tasks or ideas, which can
be moved between lists to track progress. Trello's flexibility allows it to be used for a variety of purposes, from
personal to-do lists to team collaborations. With features such as labels, due dates, attachments, and comments, Trello
helps users stay organized and productive, making it a popular choice among individuals and teams a like.

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Create a board
To create a board in Trello, follow these steps.
1. Log in to Trello: Go to and log in to your Trello account using your email address and password.

2. Access the board's menu: Once logged in, you'll be taken to your Trello dashboard. On the left side of the screen,
you'll see a menu with options like "Boards," "Home," "Templates," and more. Click on "Boards."

3. Create a new board: In the board's menu, you'll see an option to create a new board. Click on the "Create new board"

4. Name your board: A pop-up window will appear asking you to name your board. Enter a name that describes the project
or purpose of the board.

5. Choose the visibility: You can choose to make your board either "Private" or "Team Visible." Private boards can only
be seen by you and any members you invite. Team-visible boards are visible to all members of a team.

6. Create the board: Click the "Create" button to create your board. It will now appear in your board's menu.

7. Access your new board: Click on your new board in the board's menu to access it. You can now start adding lists and
cards to organize your tasks and projects.
That's it! You've successfully created a new board in Trello. You can continue to customize your board by adding lists,
cards, labels, and more to suit your project's needs.

Add Lists

To add lists to your Trello board, follow these steps.
1. Open your board: Log in to your Trello account and open the board to which you want to add lists.

2. Click on "Add a list": On the right side of your board, you'll see an "Add a list" button. Click on it.

3. Enter a list title: A new list will appear on your board, and you'll be prompted to enter a title for the list. Type
in a descriptive title for your list (e.g., "To Do," "In Progress," "Done").

4. Add more lists (optional): To add more lists, click on the "Add a list" button again and repeat the process. You can
add as many lists as you need to organize your tasks.

5. Organize your lists: Drag and drop the lists to rearrange them in the order you prefer. You can also rename or delete
lists by clicking on the three dots next to the list title.

6. Customize your lists (optional): You can customize your lists further by adding labels, due dates, or other
attributes to the cards within the lists.

7. Add cards to your lists: Once you have your lists set up, you can start adding cards to them to represent individual
tasks or ideas.

That's it! You've successfully added lists to your Trello board. You can now start using them to organize your tasks and

Trello Project Management


Trello Project Management
