Excel :A/B Testing
Amidst the competitive landscape of online retail, crafting compelling email campaigns is paramount to fostering customer engagement and boosting sales. This portfolio project delves into an A/B testing endeavor conducted within the realm of a perfume-based shop, aimed at optimizing email campaign performance. By juxtaposing two variants of email content, our objective was to discern the most resonant approach with our audience, ultimately striving for heightened open rates. This project delineates our methodology, execution, and analysis of the A/B test results, offering invaluable insights into effective email marketing strategies tailored for e-commerce enterprises, all executed within the confines of Excel.

Version A
Subject Line:Classic Fragrances Await

Version B
Subject Line:Something Special for You

1. Calculation of Metrics
2. Hypotheses Formulation
3. Interpretation of Results


​​​​​​​Version A
Subject Line:Classic Fragrances Await

To conclude, our A/B testing portfolio project has furnished actionable insights for refining email campaigns within the perfume shop domain. Through meticulous experimentation and data analysis, we have gleaned valuable findings, shedding light on [briefly summarize significant outcomes, such as the version of email content that outperformed in terms of open rates]. These revelations underscore the pivotal role of data-informed decision-making in email marketing endeavors, accentuating the iterative nature of testing to drive campaign optimization. Armed with these insights, we are poised to refine our email marketing strategies, fostering heightened engagement and conversion rates for our perfume shop as we forge ahead.

Excel : A/B Testing

Excel : A/B Testing

