Chloe Douzable 님의 프로필

DIGITS: Senior Project Week 10

DIGITS: Senior Project Week 10 (?)
This week I did my last first pass shots! I have one shot I've been working on on and off schedule since it needs some more TLC but aside from that, this week went by smoothly for this project! (don't!! ask me about my other classes...)

I'm noticing My rigs have an autopatch issue going on that I have to discuss with my professors but I think that's the only issue I've come across this week. Also....MOVIE POSTER IS DONE!!! (I made the poster juxtapose the actual film for sillies cause I want people to go in thinking they have context when they really don't. I'm such a trickster. mwhahaha!
Film Poster:
Shots Completed this week:
There's some examples of the rig breaking in these (Jo's arm and Peony's hands) but the movements are pretty much polished and ready for any last tweaks.
DIGITS: Senior Project Week 10


DIGITS: Senior Project Week 10
