Powering a Sustainable Future

I was tasked with creating an annual report aligning with Zenergi’s new brand, using consistent colours, typography, and design elements to reinforce brand recognition. Beyond data, the report served as a storytelling platform, enriched with personal anecdotes and case studies for relatability.

Crafting the front cover of this annual report was a meticulous process aimed at setting Zenergi apart from competitors. Illustration are a powerful tool in achieving this. Unlike stock imagery, which is often overused and fails to resonate, illustrations offer a unique visual language that commands attention and fosters emotional connections with viewers.

In a world inundated with marketing materials, statistics reveal that only about 20% of subscribers open email attachments from brands they follow. This underscores the challenge of cutting through the noise and grabbing attention amidst a sea of competing content.

By leveraging bespoke illustrations, we aimed to break through this clutter and provide a visually compelling experience that entices viewers to engage with the report.

Project management was a critical aspect of the report creation, ensuring that all elements came together seamlessly.  The Head of Marketing and I facilitated communication between all relevant departments so that everyone was in touch throughout the project’s lifecycle. This was essential for meeting deadlines and maintaining quality standards.

Given the heavy data focus of reference reports, I prioritised data visualisation and utilized infographics for efficient communication. With our content strategy in mind, I maximized the report’s design for social media use, resulting in an engaging narrative combining visual storytelling, data visualization, and vibrant imagery.

The report’s transformation from text-heavy documents fostered emotional connections among employees and enhanced accessibility to Zenergi’s achievements and goals. Feedback indicated increased employee engagement and excitement for the company’s future success.

Project deliverables:
Report web and print, illustrations, infographics, social media assets/templates and presentation graphics.


Client: Zenergi
Timeline: 8 months
Role: Graphic Designer & Illustrator
Skills: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign & Adobe Photoshop
Working with: Head of Marketing, Chief Sustainability Officer, Head of Service Delivery & Head of Sustainability

Powering a Sustainable Future
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Powering a Sustainable Future

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