The original Tron movie that inspired me to create a Tron Disk. I decided to create a Tron Disk replica that changes light patterns depending on how you tilt the project. The reason I created the Tron Disk was to solve the problem of lighting up a dark room with someone sleeping. Instead of turning on the overhead lights and distressing the sleeping person, you power the project and it will light the room slightly but not enough to wake up the person sleeping.
Hero Image of the Tron Disk that I created.
A picture of the Tron Project in a dark setting.
This is the 3D printout of the Tron Disk.
Here is the sensor that I used for the changing lights(gy-21 module).
Here is the easy eda schematic of the wiring of the Tron Disk.
Here is the figma diagram on how the finite state machine works.
The video of the Tron Disk and it's 5 states.
Tron Disk
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Tron Disk

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