Brand concept / Logo developing / 2024
Simba is a prominent logistics company that operates in Europe, specializing in the organization of international road transport of goods with full load, groupage cargo, and road transport of goods within the country and abroad. The company's primary objective was to create a logo that not only captured the essence of their strengths and values but also stood out visually and was memorable. 

To achieve this, Simba came up with a highly compelling logo design that combines two symbols- a lion and the sun. The lion represents the company's strength and confidence, while the sun symbolizes the company's ability to light the way and guide clients towards their destination. The lion is depicted confidently walking forward, which symbolizes the company's commitment to moving forward and delivering goods safely and on time.

The slogan “Lighting your way” is incorporated into the logo design, emphasizing the company's dedication to providing comprehensive support to clients throughout the transportation process. The slogan also highlights the company's focus on ensuring that clients' cargo is delivered safely and without any hassle.

Furthermore, the logo is designed to be flexible and adaptable, making it suitable for use in different situations. The monochrome version of the logo is ideal for use in official documents, while the variable color scheme version can be used for marketing and branding purposes. In conclusion, Simba's logo is a striking visual representation of the company's brand, reflecting their strengths, values, and commitment to their clients.

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Simba - Brand Concept


Simba - Brand Concept

Simba is a logistics company that operates with the aim of lighting the way for its clients, both within and beyond Europe. The company's logo is 閱讀更多
