Burmese Murakami flowers for everyone!
Darkness can rise upon us, but we can still smile.

Artwork Concept: This flower, the Murakami flower, may make you smile when you see it, but its background story is quite serious. During the Second World War, when the atomic bomb was dropped on Japan, Japan lost the war completely, and they got the consequences of the atomic bomb. In other words, that period was one of the worst periods in the history of Japan. The Murakami Flower that I am giving now is aimed at the Japanese of that period. The current period is one of the worst periods in Myanmar's history. The flower that I gave you is smiling, but if you look closely, there are tears. I must say that even in bad times when you are depressed or tired, you smile with strength. At first, there was a plan to draw only Murakami alone, but I remembered the ''Pyit Tine Htoun'' doll in Burma, which never fell. So I tried to mix the two cultures and adapt a color palette for the current situation in Myanmar.

You can think as you wish. May all of you share smiles and flowers, no matter what difficulties you face.
The Last Artwork is Only for my dearest.
The Burmese Murakami


The Burmese Murakami
