Henkilön Leah Sexton profiili

Paw's Playhouse & Café Brand Standards Guide


In a collaborative project with a group of CNA business students, I was tasked with creating the visual identity for their fictional business an indoor Dog park/Café, aiming to create a consistent and memorable brand.

Key Elements: 

1. Color Palette: Carefully chose lively colors to complement the cheerful atmosphere of the venue, but kept the palate limited to create a welcoming environment for guests.

2. Font Selection: Opted for rounded and friendly fonts that convey a casual yet inviting vibe, encouraging patrons to relax and enjoy.

3. Logo Design: Developed a memorable logo blending elements of the dog park and café, serving as the "face" of the brand and ensuring easy recognition. 

All of these elements I combined into a user-friendly brand standards guide, which was laid out for printing so the business students could use it as a visual aid in their final project.

Paw's Playhouse & Café Brand Standards Guide

Paw's Playhouse & Café Brand Standards Guide
