Hello! I'd like to present a project I worked on for the brand DYX090, alongside a fantastic team of creators.

Some of my editing and post-production inspiration came from Renaissance paintings, tarot card artwork, and vintage styles. I utilised a variety of techniques including digital painting, paper imitations, and appliqués. The overall editing style underscores the ephemerality of the material and conveys a message about preserving memories.

The concept of the photoshoot was to create an illusion of weightlessness and emptiness, and to establish a discernible difference between the subject and the background.

I'm pleased with the result, especially how some of the images appear as if they were captured in another world. I hope you'll enjoy them as I do.
my instagram: @musatovphoto
Ph: me
Prod: @timshulakov
Md: @yaandreyuk
Flowers: @satin.moscow @vanlovaa
Designer: @dyx090
For DYX090


For DYX090
