For this assignment, I chose to create a brand for the profession of a florist. The noun I chose to associate my profession with is wave. The brand's identity revolves around surfing and being by the beach. The brand is a hybrid florist and surf shop. Items that the store would sell are surfboards and gear along with swimsuits. The florist side of the store would create bouquets and sell flowers for locals passing by. Overall, I wanted the brand to be very light, resembling something you would see on a boardwalk by the beach.
I did 50 sketches for a florist using different nouns like cactus, oak leaf, mountain, wave, tree, and wizard.
After deciding to move forward with the noun, wave, I started forming a logo in both color and black and white.
Final Logo
My final logo consisted of altering the flower and moving the text below the illustration.
I wanted to incorporate florals and surfboards in my design to tie in the idea of a hybrid florist and surf shop.
Business Card
Brand Applications
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