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Sacral furniture for the presbytery in the Church

Sakrálny nábytok presbytéria v kostole Božieho milosrdenstva v Ladcoch

Realizácia časti presbytéria v kostole Božieho milosrdenstva v Ladcoch bola pre nás nenahraditeľnou realizačnou skúsenosťou. Interiér kostola je dielom architekta Ing. Zdeňka Dvořáka a jeho návrh bol pre nás skúškou znalostí geometrie.

Súčasťou dodávky presbytéria boli prvky ako svätostánok – pozlátená skrinka pre hostie, stolček pod svätostánkom s drevorezbou, sedes, ambóna – rečnícky pult či ďalšie nábytkové prvky.

Sacral furniture for the presbytery in the Church of Divine Mercy in Ladce

The implementation of the presbytery section in the Church of Divine Mercy in Ladce was an invaluable realization experience for us. The interior of the church is the work of architect Ing. Zdeněk Dvořák, and his design was a test of our knowledge of geometry.

The delivery of the presbytery included elements such as the tabernacle – a gilded cabinet for hosts, a stool under the tabernacle with woodcarving, a seat, an ambo – lectern, and other furniture pieces.
Sacral furniture for the presbytery in the Church


Sacral furniture for the presbytery in the Church
