Profilo di Aditya Pratap Singh

Depression Awareness Campaign

Mental Health Awareness Campaign
It's really not a big deal.
Problem Statement: In today's fast-paced world, people often prioritize completing tasks on time and achieving external success, like a well-paid job, over something more essential—inner peace. This relentless pursuit has led many to a lonely place where they feel unable to share their feelings or seek help, fearing stigma or failure. We conceal symptoms of depression, isolating ourselves even from family. Instead of addressing our struggles openly, we turn to medication as a last resort. However, before reaching for pills, there's something far more powerful: having meaningful conversations, expressing our emotions, and accepting the support that's readily available if only we ask for it.
Creative Take: In this innovative approach, I've utilized speech blurbs as symbolic representations of conversations, showcasing them in the shape of physical medications as the potent antidote to depression and anxiety . By portraying conversation as the unified medicine effective against these mental health challenges, the message is clear: while medication has its place, we must not overlook the power of words. This supports the campaign's slogan: "Words work when medicine won't."​​​​​​​
Depression Awareness Campaign


Depression Awareness Campaign
