Blanche Llanes's profile

Premature Ventricular Contractions | Shell NSAC

My professor in Production Methods made us join this year's Shell National Students Arts Competition (digital category). It was our block's first time to join an interschool competition. I had a rough time thinking of a concept that could relate to their theme "Art Spark : What Sparks Your Art?". It literally took me 2-3 meetings before he approved a sketch. And this was it:

As soon as he approved it, I immediately worked on it. I decided to go with a flat design since it's the style that I envisioned using. 
FInished it within the day. But unfortunately, he dumped my first go at it. He said it was too flat, too plain and too easy to do. *Sigh

So I made another version. This time, with the use of the mixer brush tool. To be honest, it was my first time to do digital painting so my frustration was at its peak level. I made use of Matt Heath's brush to give it a grungy look.

And tah-dah! He finally approved it. Days later, after submitting our artworks to Shell's office in Makati, I received an email from the coordinator that I got in as a finalist. Good job for my first go, I guess!

Premature Ventricular Contractions | Shell NSAC

Premature Ventricular Contractions | Shell NSAC

My entry for the Shell NSAC.
