Henkilön Tuba Kars profiili

Video Essay: Metamorphosis of Sophie

Video Essay: Metamorphosis of Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle
Howl’s Moving Castle Video Essay / Metamorphosis of Sophie:
Hanna Selmin Özgüven, Rüya Bozkurt, and I created a video essay highlighting the themes of metamorphosis, and rebirth in the movie “Howl’s Moving Castle”, done by Hayao Miyazaki. We wanted to emphasize the word metamorphosis in Sophie and use the different meanings associated with her character development throughout the movie. The reason for this is that there is a clear relationship between what has happened to Sophie (the curse, turning her into an older woman) and metamorphosis because metamorphosis doesn't happen all at once, there are stages to it we see in Sophie that in different points of the movie she is in different stages of the age she looks like.
Fall 2023/2024
COMD 321- Moving Image
Video Essay: Metamorphosis of Sophie


Video Essay: Metamorphosis of Sophie
