Perfil de Brown|RISD Dual Degree Exhibition

Beaux Salix, The Butterfly Collector

Beaux Salix (BRDD 2026, Film/Animation/Video and Music)
The Butterfly Collector, 2023
Video, 2:52
This surrealist short film explores a young girl’s curiosity towards butterflies. Her behavior is atypical and it hints at her obsessive collection for these creatures. My father was away much of my childhood, but when he visited we would go butterfly-watching. The butterfly is a metaphor for that nostalgic memory – a desire to preserve that time spent with my father.

from While the Sap Flows, Granoff Center for the Creative Arts, January 20-February 25, 2024
Beaux Salix, The Butterfly Collector

Beaux Salix, The Butterfly Collector


Sectores creativos