Yukti Agarwal (BRDD 2024.5, Textiles, Theory and History of Art and Design, Contemplative Studies, and Psychology)
Viscera, 2023
Italian Mohairs in Aubergine; Elastics in Fuschia and Chartreuse (Knit on the Industrial CMS 330 Stoll Machine)
As a contemplation on ideas of intimacy and materiality, this self-shaping knitted fabric (that is, a rectangular fabric that is dimensionally shaped by solely virtue of stitch structure) displays the ability of a material to defy the bounds of a rectilinear form and become a relief surface—emphasizing the honesty of the material and the overwhelming capacity of expression despite technical constraints. There is a sense of intimacy between machine, material, and maker.

from While the Sap Flows, Granoff Center for the Creative Arts, January 20-February 25, 2024
Yukti Agarwal, Viscera
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Yukti Agarwal, Viscera

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Kreatif Alanlar