CPPS 101
Background: CPPS 101 is part of KIC EIT Manufacturing, funded by the European Union. This project aims to create an online end-to-end course that covers the basics of Cyber Physical Production Systems (CPPS), its smart manufacturing context, and the possibilities of retrofitting current technologies. In line with current CPPS research and development directions, some modules will focus on the role of CPPS in the transition from current to future industrial applications.
This work consisted of creating explainable videos addressing standardization issues, CPPS privacy and security, Cloud/Edge computing, human-machine interaction, energy harvesting, and data analytics.
Notes: 1) I am not the author of the logo design nor the vectors animated in this work. 2) I cannot post the full video animations, since the course is paid, but will share small experts in this page.
Year of completion: 2021
Intro video from Module 1:
Outro video from Module 1:
Short excerpts of the developed animations
Animated poster of CPPS 101 Webinar
Alternative posters developed
Flyers of Speakers for social media dissemination
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