Alysha Lai (BRDD 2028, Undeclared)
Dance a little. Move a little. Let's jingle., 2023
Plywood, colored acetate, aluminum wire, silver jingle bells
This piece relates to themes of touch, time, and nostalgia. This is an abstraction of a dancer's torso in motion - it's interactive, collaborative, and intimate. I encourage the viewer to rock the base and watch the mobile dance and jingle bells sing. I've been a dancer since young, and this piece captures the joy and play of performance. I used raw materials mimicking childhood toys, creating a colorful kinetic and auditory piece. It looks especially nice in the sun, capturing its movement.

from While the Sap Flows, Granoff Center for the Creative Arts, January 20-February 25, 2024
Alysha Lai, Dance a little ...
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Alysha Lai, Dance a little ...

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