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The CGI Images for ‘Bvlgari’

我们为本次的Bvlgari 2024CNY构建了一次由品牌最具代表性的蛇形珠宝幻变游龙的奇异旅程,打破时间空间的限制,自品牌诞生地罗马始,串联故宫、东方明珠与苏州园林。

We have produced a video for this Bvlgari 2024 CNY, showing the journey of jewelry turning into a Chinese dragon. This journey starts from Rome and connects China's Forbidden City, Oriental Pearl TV Tower and Suzhou Gardens.
In terms of style, we used 3d animation for the first time combined with traditional Chinese ink painting to connect ancient and modern times at home and abroad.

The CGI Images for ‘Bvlgari’

The CGI Images for ‘Bvlgari’
