Cyberpunk DnD Character Design
the subtle ways of hacking...
P5 (version name: RHM.v1.#371F76) is an original character created for a cyberpunk
D&D campaign I am playing.
Race: Homebrew Warforged-Envoy (Sentroid)
Class: Rogue - Hacker
Likes: stories and humanity
Main RP Trait: determined to fulfil her mission at any cost, wont tell the truth about her mission and origin to anyone (huge liar) 
Main faulty mindset: "Technology must cease to exist in order for people and feelings to maintain their pure, natural quality, that’s the only way"
P5 is a hacking machine in disguise, she does stand down from low-tech robots, but not as an oddly suspicious individual.

-The light blue and green colours evoke friendliness and harmlessness. 
Similarly her height is only 154cm to not impose 
the feeling of a massive threat.

  - I wanted her to be able to move pretty swiftly if needed, so her joints and 
limbs are only covered in stronger armour-like pieces 
but there are very flexible.

  - The big opening on her chest is in fact the greek letter "P" revealing a bit more about her origin. 
The pink number 5 is visibly painted/sprayed on top of the plate and 
was not imprinted during production.

- Hacking tools and weaponry are integrated in her body:
Her right arm is a hacking tool - for unnoticed seamless connection, 
P5 can touch any device and automatically connect to it through 
hidden ports on her palm. If the situation doesn't require secrecy, she can also
open ports for external cables and USBs on the back of her hand.

- The left arm functions as a weapon. Her left hand is joined by 
a shortsword, if she de-attaches the hand with a sword from the arm,
the left arm reveals a spiky dagger while the left hand turns 
into a handle for the shortsword.

- At the back of her neck is a placeholder for tube-like handle. 
When activated, a razor-sharp light emerges from the tube 
(yes, it's basically a light-saber, but this is a rapier :D)​​​​​​​
first sketches & concept ideas
colour exploration
Weaponry mechanics design in process
P5 (D&D Design)

P5 (D&D Design)
