Abhishek Shidid さんのプロファイル

3D Illustrations : Initial Explorations

Here are some of my initial forays into Blender, where I delved into the world of 3D modelling. During this phase, I focused on familiarizing myself with various aspects of the software. I experimented with different 3D themes and honed my skills in manipulating lighting, colour, and materials within the virtual environment.
May 2020 : 'Cyber Death'
July 2020 : 'Anti-matter Lantern'
June 2020 : 'Transformation'
For any 3D artist, grasping the nuances of how light interacts with different forms in a three-dimensional space is crucial. These explorations served as a valuable learning experience, allowing me to gain a deeper understanding of this fundamental concept and its application in my work.

These 3D models and illustrations initially lacked a certain sense of completeness. Drawing from my passion for typography, I decided to experiment with incorporating various typefaces, text elements, and specific words alongside the illustrations. This addition aimed to enhance their relevance and overall impact, elevating the visual narrative through the synergy of imagery and textual elements.
May 2020 : 'Cyber Death'
September 2020 : 'Wash Us in the Blood' (Album Cover)
The conclusion of this exploration series symbolized significant growth in my journey as a 3D artist. Through this process, I deepened my understanding of geometry, form, color, and light within a three-dimensional context. Equipped with these insights, I felt prepared to tackle more advanced 3D projects, eager to apply and further refine my newfound skills.
3D Illustrations : Initial Explorations
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3D Illustrations : Initial Explorations

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