Profil Neeraj Malik

A Sleek One-Page Portfolio App with React and Chakra UI

I'm excited to share with you my latest self-learning project: a one-page portfolio app built using React and Chakra UI. It's also a way to share what I've learned about web development through Meta front end development course with others. Let me walk you through how I crafted this functional application.

Overview of the Application Layout

The portfolio app for a developer features a clean layout consisting of a header with links to the his social media accounts and different sections of the page. These sections include a landing section with a profile picture and a brief introduction, a project section showcasing his past work, and a contact section allowing visitors to reach out to him via a simple form. Additionally, there's a footer at the bottom to tie everything together.

Using Chakra UI for Effortless Styling

One of the highlights of this project is my choice to leverage Chakra UI, a UI library that provides a set of pre-defined styles for React components. By utilizing Chakra UI, I was able to focus more on the business logic of the portfolio rather than worrying about intricate CSS details.

Deep Dive into Components

From the smooth animations in the header to the eye-catching images in the landing section, I paid attention to every detail. I even made a special component for full-screen sections, so everything looks sleek and professional.

The contact section was the trickiest part. I used a tool called Formik to handle the form smoothly. It made sure all the information people entered was correct before they hit submit. And when they did, I made sure they got a nice message confirming everything went through okay.

Wrapping Up

I'm thrilled to share what I've learned about web development with others and can't wait to see the diverse approaches others take in tackling similar challenges.

Thanks for your time! Feel free to take a look around and let me know what you think.

#React #ChakraUI #Portfolio #WebDevelopment #Formik #UIUX
A Sleek One-Page Portfolio App with React and Chakra UI


A Sleek One-Page Portfolio App with React and Chakra UI
