Profil użytkownika „Sofía J. Polette Stubb”

Abejas endémicas de Canarias

This data visualization highlights the Canary Island’s bee biodiversity through an information graphic.
Main goal:
This project aimed to craft an infographic on a topic of public interest.
I chose the theme of local bees to highlight the archipielago’s biodiversity,
why it’s important, what factors endanger it, and what you can do to protect it.
Stylistic choices:
I decided not to use the color yellow to stray away from the stereotipical honeybee, since most canarian bees are not yellow and do ot produce honey. I created iconography and illustrations as visual aid to the text as well as to appeal to the viewer.
Abejas endémicas de Canarias


Abejas endémicas de Canarias
