Reimagining Waste: A Tribute to Animal Care Values
Step into the world of sustainability and animal stewardship with my wall-art installation at Eskisehir Zoo. Crafted from recycled paper waste and natural materials collected from the zoo grounds, this artwork embodies our commitment to responsible waste management and animal welfare.
"Organic and paper wastes of the zoo were recycled and turned into art!" This installation serves as a testament to our dedication to modern approaches in animal care, blending innovative recycling techniques with artistic expression.
Feathers, leaves, and administrative documents intertwine, symbolizing the interconnectedness of all living beings. As you admire this creation, reflect on the tireless efforts of zoo staff in ensuring the safety and well-being of our animals.
As an experienced paper artist and designer, I'm excited about future collaborations. Whether you're a company, zoo, or botanical garden, let's turn waste into wonder together. Contact me to explore opportunities and bring your vision to life.




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