Perfil de Matilda Daniel

Digital Journal - Creative Enterprise Studio 2

 Digital Journal 

Creative Enterprise Studio 2 - KKB285
Assignment 1 

Matilda Daniel 

Link  to website for the digital journal: 

Post One: Key observations from Northshore. 
Key Criteria 1.

Northshore is home to a rich historical narrative and vibrant culture, serving as a prominent landmark along Brisbane's riverfront. Due to the anticipated 2032 Olympics further development opportunities and tourists may impact the Northshore's space and the overall experience of Maritime Green. 
Before embarking on the design process, careful consideration was accorded to curating immersive experiences and events aimed at accentuating the distinctiveness of the locale, with the overarching aim of fostering repeat visitation. Moreover, the site has a myriad of environmental elements, contributing to its multifaceted allure.

Evident within Northshore were discernible soundscapes tracing the riverfront, juxtaposed against the prominent noise pollution arising from nearby aircraft.

Central to Northshore's allure is the presence of Eat Street, the current main source of entertainment and largest employer within Brisbane's entertainment sector. Drawing millions of patrons annually, Eat Street has substantially enlivened the night time landscape of Northshore. However, the issue of needing to dramatically increase the daily community and population was evident. 

The gardens throughout Maritime Green are inviting with ample opportunity for engaging projects. There are opportunities present to embrace the surrounding neighbourhoods and families with the creative and engaging environments at Northshore. Workshops and spaces for businesses were already facilitated at the Wheelhouse. By strengthening community engagement at the site it cultivates social cohesion and creates a strong sense of community that other Brisbane residents will be drawn to, this is currently lacking within Northshore. 

Post Two: Images of the Site
Key Criteria 1.
- Maritime Green is a very cultural and calming space.
- There is already a lush garden planted so designs don't need to incorporate this. 
- It is right on the river so noise pollution and tides are both something to consider. 

Post Three: Initial response to the Client Brief. 
Key Criteria 1.

The client brief has made clear that Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) strives to create liveable and connected communities through all ongoing projects. One aspect that was outlined was the Northshore place makers curating individual and immersive experiences. These experiences highlight the unique characteristics of the site and bring engagement and creativity to community members. 
The brand of Northshore was at the forefront of the creative process for the design. Northshore has been clear in how they dedicate their vision towards embracing all aspects of how they want their communities to look, "It is a destination grounded in gathering, connection and celebration with a rich Indigenous, industrial and nautical heritage" 

It was noted that the tenants at the workshops at Northshore host artistic, hands-on activities that encourage socializing and connections, for families and residents. Additionally, the Wheelhouse provides space for entrepreneurs to share a creative expanse for new business ventures and workshops to have a platform. The Wheelhouse community benefits from the nearby workshop spaces in addition to indoor facilities at The Shed and outdoors located at Maritime Green. 

Maritime Green is an open space and any further development of the area must consider the progression of the 2032 Olympics and the excess buildings and new communities that will eventuate from this. 

Post Four: Further Research About the Land 
Key Criteria 1 and 3.

The history of North Shore is intrinsically linked to the river and the community that was formed as a result. The river along the site was originally used as a crossing path for First Nations people allowing access to all the connecting waterways. It was a pivotal environment for fishing and campgrounds, having the sand pit as the main camping ground, it soon fostered the area to be the most expansive camp. First Nations peoples regularly came out in large numbers with nets to fish at this spot. 

There has been a sense of community present in this site since the initial contact with people. From water sports to rowing races, Northshore's land has been bringing communities together. Through a lively period as the main port of Brisbane, and now as the largest waterfront and urban renewal project in the state, Northshore has always been a vital part of Brisbane and the First Nations history. 
Post Six: Mind Map of Northshore
Key Criteria 1 and 2.
Ideas that stood out: 

  - Community engagement. 
  - Artistic place. 
  - Noise and sound sensor's. 
  - History of the site and Indigenous ties to the land that may remain evident. 
Post Seven: Swot Analysis of Ideas 
Key Criteria 2 and 3​​​​​​​
Post Eight: Final Design Concept 
Key Criteria 2 and 4.

Considering the swot analysis of differing ideas, the design that will be the most feasible to create and articulate the history and Indigenous connection with Northshore would be the musical pipes and information board. 

The musical pipes will be located on the grass area of Maritime Green and painted by a First Nations artist to portray the Indigenous connection to the area, specifically the riverfront. They will be cut at different levels creating musical notes for visitors to engage with. This will form the interactive piece and allow residents to curate their own music and sounds for Northshore. 

The perimeter of the information board will be painted and designed by the same First Nations artist. Inside the perimeter, there will be information about Northshore's history and the cultural significance of the natural sounds and landscape. The information board will also facilitate an audible interaction piece, with recordings of Indigenous music and gatherings. This will be projected through speakers located at the top of the board. 

By incorporating musical elements it will encourage physical engagement with youth and families whilst providing crucial information about the development of the site. 

The purpose of this design is to engage the past with the future of Northshore, the environmental elements of the site have always connected people, and this design will continue to do so with future Northshore visitors. 

Post Nine: Sketch of the Design 
Key Criteria 2.​​​​​​​

Post Ten: Potential soundscape recordings. 

The link above is an example of potential recordings that will be built into the information board. At the end of the recording having a statement from the first nations people in their language will be an appropriate way of concluding the design and recordings. This will be consulted with an Indigenous elder to clarify the ethical considerations behind it. 

Post Five: Target Group and Ethical Issues 
Key Criteria 3 and 4

Considering the history of Northshore and the details outlined in the client brief, the target audience will include families and tourists. It has been acknowledged that targeting a broad audience risks not being able to curate a design that will effectively engage everyone. This has been considered and as a result, the instalment will ensure that interactive pipes appeal to younger audiences and families whilst the information board and audible element provides entertainment and informative value for mature aged groups and tourists. 

Despite the design being targeted towards the specific family and age brackets, attraction with wider communities will also be prevalent. The sensory activities and interactive additions to the design will have a positive effect and encourage returning visits to Northshore. Considering the ethical considerations around Northshore, an Indigenous artist will be hired for the artwork around the information board and pipes. Taliah Saylor is of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and South Sea Islander heritage. Born in Brisbane, she is an emerging visual artist whose artwork has developed over the past eight years and expresses her connection to Country and her people and could be a potential artist to hire for this project. 

An Indigenous Elder of the area will also be on site overlooking the information that will be printed on the board and the music that will be recorded for the recordings, ensuring all aspects of the design are appropriately acknowledging Indigenous culture and history. 

Post Eleven: How the Design Responds to the Client Brief 
Key Criteria 1 and 2.

The client brief outlined how the precinct partners are all extremely community based and social. Therefore, this design will enhance Northshore's community and encourage new audience members to continuously visit the site. The information board and soundscape will be an educational and interactive attraction for the common festivals and workshops that take place, such as the Brisbane Street Art Festival. 

Eat street is currently known as the “nucleus” of the site due to the immense attraction it has attained. Given the popularity of entertainment Eat Street provides, this innovative design will also provide entertainment in a refreshing and calming sense. Families around the area can engage in the history that meets them everyday at their doorsteps whilst also being exposed to the workshops and the two-hundred workers near the Maritime Green space. The design targets families to visit the site during the day, something that Northshore is currently requiring. One of the clear objectives for this design was to embrace the history and natural landscape that Northshore offers. Taking this into consideration, the recordings that will be implemented into the information board will provide Indigenous music and with approvement from an Elder, First Nations language. This will enhance the interactive section of the design. 

The pipes are designed specifically to the targeted group of families and children, having Indigenous art painted on each will demonstrate the deep connection with the land and also allow for new generations to create their own music at Maritime Green. 

Post Twelve: Environmental Consciousness. 
Key Criteria 2 and 4.

Taking into consideration the client brief and inspiring for a light touch on environmental and economical sustainability, this design incorporates local materials that are light weight and easily accessible. Excessive transport devices will be unneeded as all the materials are locally sourced. 

The design targets minimal space and excess waste from materials and construction. Striving for minor continuous maintenance and costs was vital in the design making process to sustain the budget. It was pivotal to curate a design that minimises the opportunity for negative environmental impact on Maritime Green, and inspiring to achieve the 'touching lightly' approach in all spaces possible. Techniques such as utilizing simple construction processes and money was also incorporated. The plastic poles for the soundscape can be bought from Bunnings Warehouse and the technology needed for the recordings and speakers can be sourced from local tech companies and connected by electrical companies. 
Due to the 2032 Olympics, the construction was purposefully designed so it can be moved elsewhere if needed, due to the upcoming construction and increasing population, the design not only takes up minimal space but can most likely work across all areas of Northshore. 

Post Thirteen: Demonstrate the specificality of the concept etc.
Key Criteria 2

Throughout the design process the key challenge present was the upcoming 2023 Olympics and how this will indefinitely affect the outcome and goal of the project. Northshore, specifically Maritime Green will be a home to the Athlete's Village. The soundscape design is targeting new residents and visitors to Brisbane and the specific area of the river front. Public attention from this design will hopefully increase as it provides a visible and audible engagement. The new stream of audience visiting for the Olympics will be able to learn the history and culture of the site, whilst engaging in an entertaining and innovative way. 

Post Fourteen: Companies that have benefitted from Similar Designs
Key Criteria 2 and 4.

The design of soundscapes has been studied through a questionnaire survey of 298 visitors in the "Three Lanes and Seven Alleys" historical block in Fuzhou, China. The findings highlighted that major sound sources positively affected visitors experiences. Engaging with historical sounds on site proved to improve visitors satisfaction and contribute to a better visiting experience. 

Their effects in shaping historical atmosphere, promoting the perception of culture legacy and landscape have been recognized. 
This design will differ due to the construction of the project. "Three Lanes and Seven Alleys" was designed as sound effects throughout the alleys and streets, but NorthShore's would be one exhibition with speakers built into the information board and information printed on. 

Considering how effective "Three Lanes and Seven Alleys" has been in China, this design will hopefully produce lots of engagement with the current community and tourists that will be new to the area. 

Post Fifteen: Predicted budget for the project.
Key Criteria 4.


Service/ Item: Artist and Design Fees.

The Artist:
To hire the artist Taliah Saylor to paint the soundscape and the mural will approximately cost $50 per hour.
Allowing for the maximum time for the artist to complete the work we will be accommodating a week of pay which will cost, $2,800.

Materials: Plastic Pipes 

  - Bunnings sells 150mm x 6m individually for $114.83.
  - The soundscape will involve 5 plastic pipes, which will cost $574.15.

   - Paint supplies will be provided by the artist but will be accommodated in their wage.
   - The budget for the technology and speakers to be built into the information board will be                    $20,000.
   - The information board itself will cost $15,000 approximately for the appropriate size wanted for          Maritime Green.  


   - Construction workers for this level of project may cost $85 per hour. Approximating there may be       a team of eight workers to complete this entirely in two to three days will cost in total, $16,320.

   - Carrying out domestic building contracts in Brisbane priced over $3,300 including labour,                    materials, and GST there will be a deposit for the contractor of 5%.
   - Hiring an electrician to put in the audible recordings and speakers in the information board will t          take approximately two full days of work, costing $6,400.

Professional Consultancy Fees    

To hire an Indigenous consultant to sign off on the design and final concept for Northshore, it will cost $1500.

Total Estimated Cost:   $62,594.15. 

Post 16: References Used Throughout Digital Journal. 

(n.d.). Retrieved from Bunnings Warehouse :

Average Construction Workers Hourly Pay in Australia. (2024). Retrieved from PayScale:

Building Confidence. (2023). Retrieved from Queensland Building and Construction Commission:

Electrical Services in Brisbane and Gold Coast. (2024). Retrieved from Jaric Group:

Indigenous Art Program. (2024). Retrieved from Brisbane City Council:

INDIGENOUS ELDER DEFINITION. (2019). Retrieved from Indigenous Corporate Training Inc:

Indigenous music. (2024). Retrieved from Australian Screen an NFSA Website :

Jiang Liu, L. Y. (2020). Effects of soundscape perception on visiting experience in a renovated historical block. Retrieved from Science Direct`:

Kerkhove, D. R. (2021, May 3). Report & Recommendations: Northshore and Indigenous History. Retrieved from

Queensland, T. S. (2024). Fees and charges for financial management. Retrieved from The Public Trustee:

Digital Journal - Creative Enterprise Studio 2

Digital Journal - Creative Enterprise Studio 2
