Profil von Rifki Fahrudin

Haflah Tasyakkur Akhirussanah dan Milad Ke 20 PPKP

HAFLAH TASYAKKUR AKHIRUSSANAH DAN MILAD KE 20 PONDOK PESANTREN KEBON PRING is an event held at the end of every year to close teaching and learning activities at the Kebon Pring Islamic Boarding School, where on the 20th anniversary I was asked to design logos and visual branding, design and manage social media, as well as other design and printing needs such as flyers and banners.
Haflah Tasyakkur Akhirussanah dan Milad Ke 20 PPKP


Haflah Tasyakkur Akhirussanah dan Milad Ke 20 PPKP
