Jacob Jones 님의 프로필

Type and Space I & II

This was a project for my Graphic Design I course at Northeastern State University
Type and Space I
The Rules
1. You must use at least four characters.
2. You must use upper and lowercase.
3. The type can only be one size.
4. The background should be white or black.
5. The typeface can be both black and white
6. Type can overlap
7. Type can be turned on 90 degree angles.
8. You should not be writing words. This assignment is about positive and negative space.
Futura STD
Detail - Futura STD
Mrs Eaves
Detail - Mrs Eaves
Detail - Helvetica
The rules change ever so slightly for part 2 of the project, this allows for a lot of creative freedom.
Type and Space II
The Rules
1. You must use at least four characters.
2. You must use upper and lowercase.
3. The type can be various sizes.
4. The background should be white and black.
5. The typeface can be both black and white
6. Type can overlap
7. Type can be turned on 90 degree angles.
8. You should not be writing words. This assignment is about positive and negative space.

Futura STD II
Detail - Futura STD II
Detail - Univers
Univers II
Detail - Univers II
Type and Space I & II

Type and Space I & II

Graphic Design 1 project for Northeastern State University.
