Profil użytkownika „Natalie Corrigan”

Natalie Corrigan Portfolio

Natalie Corrigan Portfolio
My professional marketing journey in the non-profit sector spans five enriching years, during which I've cultivated a diverse skill set tailored to the unique demands of the field. With a background in editing and professional writing, I specialise in crafting compelling content that resonates deeply with audiences. Following project briefs ensures that I deliver outcomes precisely aligned with organisational objectives.
B2B networking is another forte of mine, allowing me to forge meaningful partnerships and collaborations that advance organisational interests effectively. I'm adept at editing video content and creating engaging social media campaigns, leveraging these skills to enhance brand visibility and engagement across digital platforms.
In addition, I excel in utilising communication tools such as Canva and Mailchimp, streamlining marketing efforts for optimal results. But what truly sets my approach apart is my strong emphasis on personalised storytelling. By weaving narratives that connect with audiences on an emotional level, I create content that captivates attention and fosters genuine connections. This human-centric approach adds depth and resonance to my marketing efforts, making them more relatable, memorable, and impactful in the non-profit sector.
As part of my role, I spearheaded a monthly online series aimed at delving into topical issues impacting the adult disabled population. This initiative served a dual purpose: to address important issues within the community and to cross-promote disability-friendly services and products. 
Hosting these sessions involved not only facilitating discussions but also showcasing relevant services and products in a natural and informative manner. Additionally, I took charge of producing and editing the final video product, ensuring a polished and professional outcome within strict timeframes.
This multifaceted task demanded strong organisational skills, attention to detail, and the ability to effectively communicate complex topics. By successfully managing each aspect of the series, I played a crucial role in raising awareness, fostering discussions, and promoting valuable resources for the adult disabled population.

The interview with the founders of PAEDS not only facilitated cross-promotion of our organisation's work but also provided a valuable opportunity for me to enhance my B2B (business-to-business) skills. Engaging with PAEDS allowed me to cultivate relationships with fellow professionals in the field, honing my ability to communicate effectively, identify mutual goals, and explore potential collaborative opportunities. This experience not only contributed to the promotion of our services but also expanded my skill set, empowering me to navigate and leverage B2B partnerships for the benefit of our organization and the community at large.
Conducting high-profile interviews with esteemed members of the disability community, including actor RJ Mitte, marked a significant accomplishment for both myself and our organisation. These interviews showcased not only my ability to recruit prominent figures but also highlighted our organisation's commitment to amplifying diverse voices and perspectives.
Securing interviews with influential individuals like RJ Mitte not only provided valuable insights and perspectives but also aligned seamlessly with the core values of our organisation. By engaging with respected members of the disability community, we reinforced our dedication to advocacy, inclusivity, and empowerment.
These interviews served as powerful platforms to raise awareness, spark meaningful conversations, and foster connections within the disability community and beyond. They not only elevated our organization's profile but also contributed to our mission of promoting understanding, acceptance, and support for individuals with disabilities. Overall, these accomplishments underscored our collective efforts to create positive change and make a lasting impact on society.
I conducted an interview with disabled actor Jordan Walker Ross, aligning perfectly with our brand's ethos of inclusivity and diversity. Ross's perspective not only resonated with our values but also served to promote our services, showcasing our commitment to supporting marginalised voices while simultaneously reinforcing our brand identity.
The highlight section of the annual report required me to research and gather major highlights from the past year.
Undertaking the copywriting, layout design, and art direction for my organisation's annual reports was a pivotal endeavour. This comprehensive task demanded a blend of creativity, meticulous attention to detail, and adept communication skills. Through curated design elements and strategic art direction, I crafted annual reports that not only showcased the organisation's achievements, goals, and financial performance but also captivated stakeholders and the wider audience. 
I successfully cultivated a strategic B2B partnership with multiple businesses specialising in clients with disabilities, leveraging our shared commitment to supporting individuals with diverse needs. Together, we collaborated to develop  webinars tailored to our members, with the overarching objective of expanding our services and strengthening our brand presence online.
Through effective communication and collaboration, we identified common goals and areas of expertise that allowed us to create compelling content for our target audience. The webinars served as a valuable resource for our members, offering insights, guidance, and support on a range of services.
By harnessing the power of digital platforms, we amplified the reach of our webinars, engaging with our target audience and attracting new members to our organisation. Through strategic promotion and outreach efforts, we maximised attendance and participation, further solidifying our position as a trusted source of information and support within the community.
Ultimately, this B2B partnership and webinar initiative not only expanded our service offerings but also enhanced our brand reputation, establishing us as a leader in providing comprehensive support and resources for individuals with disabilities.
As part of my role at CPSN, I took charge of producing monthly blogs and articles covering a range of disability topics, services, and resources aimed at educating our readership. This involved researching relevant subjects, drafting compelling content, and ensuring accuracy and clarity throughout. Additionally, I handled the editing and publication process for our monthly online magazine, striving to create engaging and informative pieces that resonated with our audience.
By consistently delivering high-quality content, I aimed to keep our readers informed, empowered, and connected to the valuable resources and support available through CPSN. Through the blog posts, articles, and online magazine, we fostered a sense of community and provided a platform for sharing knowledge, experiences, and insights within the disability community.
Furthermore, by staying attuned to the interests and needs of our audience, I adapted our content strategy to address relevant and timely topics, thereby maximizing reader engagement and participation. This multifaceted approach to content creation and publication played a vital role in enhancing CPSN's online presence and impact, ultimately contributing to our mission of advocating for and supporting individuals with disabilities. 
Natalie Corrigan Portfolio

Natalie Corrigan Portfolio
