Perfil de Elise Biette

3-Dimensional Animations

"11 Paper Place"

Middlebury College Animation Studio's first ever large-scale academic studio animation.

Elise's work includes:

Preproduction work:
• Storyboard design
• Storyline consultant
• Initial character design, set design, and 3D modeling
• Full construction and completion of 3D animatic

Production work:
• Animation sequences
• Prop design and 3D modeling

Description from Vimeo:
"11 Paper Place is a love story about two 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper that magically transform into paper people as they are spit out of a malfunctioning printer into a recycling bin.
Daniel Houghton - Dylan Redford - Maddie Dai - Elise Biette - Joanie Thompson - Jennifer Morsches - Jake Brown - Ruben Gilbert - Justin Holmes - Stella Holt - Sofy Maia - Hannah Marks - Miriam Nielsen - Klarizsa Padilla - Thomas Scott
Made with Blender"
"Collinwood 1908"

Middlebury College Animation Studio collaboration with Middlebury College History Department through the Digital Liberal Arts (DLA) Initiative.

Elise's work includes:
Preproduction work:
• Storyline consultant
• Animatic assistant
• Research of time period appropriate aesthetics, fashion, mechanics

Production work:
• All character costume/hairstyle design and 3D modeling
• Character design assistant and 3D modeler

Description from Vimeo:
"On March 4, 1908, fire erupted in an elementary school in Collinwood, Ohio, a suburb adjacent to Cleveland. The blaze trapped and killed 172 children, two teachers, and one rescuer. Mostly forgotten in the present day, the Collinwood fire crystallized the aspirations and brutality of urban-industrial life in the United States at the turn of the twentieth century. To learn more about this movie and the fire it depicts visit"
"Old Chapel Holiday Greeting"

Commissioned holiday card of Middlebury College's iconic Old Chapel in the winter.

Set, models, lighting, and animation all by Elise.

(Elise does not own rights to the music.)
"Carousel Heart"

Senior 700 Project (Thesis)

Story, set, models, rigging, lighting, and animation all by Elise.

(Elise does not own rights to the music.)
3-Dimensional Animations
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3-Dimensional Animations

Projects made with the animation program Blender.

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