Stone was developed under Salud Mesoamérica‘s 2015 program, a public-private association aimed to improve Public Health Quality in 8 countries of Central America, funded by Fundación Carlos Slim and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.With full support of this program, clinics and hospitals in Chiapas, Mexico, are replacing standard carnets with the Health Electronic Card. Unlike regular, hand-written carnets, the Health Electronic Card features an embedded chip that securely stores a patient’s full medical record. This not only assists patients in a better way, but empowers the efficiency with how information is accessed, held and managed across the entire Public Health Care System.
Chiapas is one of the most deprived states in Mexico, and the lack of good products and services is something of the everyday for local people. The project started on the believe that there is a lot of work to do for creating opportunities and improving the life of others with less privileges, so by the use of design and taking into consideration aspects like portability, aesthetic, context, and its commercial values. Stone is a product that brings an added advantage to the current industry for public hospitals through making use of NFC technology for an intuitive interface and providing support for a better administration of data. 
Alpha Prototype in SLA
Color Options Proposal

Creative Direction
Diego Vega
Miguel Silva
Product Design
Guillermo Marquez
Miguel Silva
Graphic Design
Santiago Cardoso

Lead Design Engineer
 Benjamín Morales

 Patricia Lara
Adrian Jiménez
Instituto de Salud de Chiapas