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Design360° Magazine No.105 Award360°2023 BEST 100


Award360°2023 BEST 100|Award360°2023 最佳設計100

Sulki & Min担纲設計
Design by Sulki & Min

此外,Chí-An De Leo、丁凡&方建平、廣煜 、李永銓 、室賀清德、潘焰榮、Sulki & Min 、佐野研二郎8組國際評委分享了他們對本年度作品及行業的洞察,為我們提供觀察中國設計發展的總體視角。本年度我們還對獲獎的100件作品進行了一些數據上的統計,旨在為讀者提供更多了解獲獎結果的視角。最後,本期收錄這100件年度作品獲獎者的平台信息。

This issue is a collection of BEST 100 works of Award360° 2023. Award360° is a design award starting from China with a global view. Through the selection of Award360°, the edging scape of design industry of China is presented.
This book analyzes this year’s award-winning results from rich content layers. It not only showcases the design concepts and images of all BEST 100 works but also includes detailed reviews of the Grand Prize, Gold Prize, and New Talent of the Year. Interviews with the winners of the Grand Prize and New Talent of the Year were also included. In addition, 8 groups of international judges, including Chí-An De Leo, Ding Fan & Fang Jianping, Guang Yu, Tommy Li, Kiyonori Muroga, Pan Yanrong, Sulki & Min, and Kenjiro Sano, shared their insights into this year’s works and the industry, providing an overall perspective on observing the development of Chinese design. We also conducted some statistical analysis on the BEST 100 works of this year, aiming to provide readers with a more comprehensive view of the award results. Finally, this issue includes platform information for the winners of the BEST 100.

: click the name to view more :

Grand Prize|全場大獎 

: click the name to view more :

New Talents of the Year|年度新人

: click the names to view more :

statistical analysis on the BEST 100 works of this year

Publication Info

設計總監:Sulki & Min  

Chief Editor: Hyde Ou 
Director of Editor: Lauren Luo 
Managing Editor: Xintong Lun 
Editor: Xintong Lun, Yifan Liu, Sasei Zuo 
Design Director Sulki & Min
Design Director: Nan 
Designer: Human Mar, Vivian Lea 
New Media Director: Naomi 
Chen Editor: Wenxin Qiu

Book Information

Publisher: Sandu Publishing Co,Ltd. (Hong Kong)
ISSN: 1815-9222
Size: 210 × 285mm
Page: 208
Language: Chinese & English
Book Design: Sulki & Min (KR)


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Design360° Magazine No.105 Award360°2023 BEST 100

Design360° Magazine No.105 Award360°2023 BEST 100

This issue is a collection of BEST 100 works of Award360° 2023. Award360° is a design award starting from China with a global view. Through the s Read More
