This project was made during my Strategic Design & Management summer program at PARSONS.

The assignment was to build a photographic panel with patterns we found at the High Line, in NYC.

Historically, it was a railroad, which became unused by the advent of the interstate trucking growth. 
The New York State developed an Improvement Project to build this Park where there was the abandoned railroad.
How the Railroad was before the Improvement Project of the High Line

The High Line Park is now known for being a green escape in the middle of The City.
The High Line: Elevated Park in the West Side of NYC
High Line: The Green escape

The pattern we chose was the red spots of the park, once red is the opposite color from green in the color circle, the name of the panel is Contrast.
It also refers to its context: a RailRoad that became a Park; The Gray that turned into Green.
*All the pictures were taken by us.


This is a Photographic Panel created during my summer course at Parsons this July/2014. In partnership with Emelia Otto.

