Perfil de Christopher Cannon

Willy Wonka’s in media

In the labyrinth of social media, our personal data becomes the golden ticket coveted by the digital Willy Wonkas – Facebook, the big brother overseeing the family dynamics; Instagram, the cool cousin with a penchant for filters; and Twitter, the fast-talking bird that never seems to catch a wink. These platforms aren't just innocent gathering spots; they're sophisticated data-mining machines, eagerly slurping up our preferences, connections, and even those late-night snack binge selfies. It's as if we're cruising on an information highway, blissfully unaware of the invisible eyes watching our every digital move.
Social media platforms, those digital hangouts where we spill our thoughts, share our pics, and connect with friends, are like data sponges, soaking up every detail of our online lives. They track what we click, where we scroll, and even the time we spend gazing at our screens. It's like, "Whoa, Scoob, talk about invasion of privacy!" Thanks to these algorithms, we get this personalized experience, right? Like, it recommends the coolest tunes, the raddest memes, and connects us with like-minded souls. It's almost like having a digital buddy who just gets us. It's like, "Alright, algorithms, you're not so bad after all!"
WRONG. Hold your horses, dude, because there's a gnarly downside to this digital utopia. You see, when these platforms know us better than we know ourselves, they can sway our opinions and manipulate our behavior. It's like they're pulling the strings behind the scenes, and we're just puppets in their data-driven puppet show. Remember Julian Assange? That cat who spilled the beans on government secrets? Well, he's like a cyber crusader fighting for transparency. It makes you wonder, man, are we really in control of our own information? Is there a digital war between those who want to liberate data and those who want to exploit it?
And let's talk about the civil process – it's like this foggy maze, right? The rules of the digital game are all jumbled up, and it's hard to tell who's the hero and who's the villain. It's like, "What's the deal, man? Are we just floating in this digital limbo with no clear rules?" Now, here's where the real mystery comes in. We willingly expose ourselves to this digital world, sharing our lives, dreams, and fears. But do we really know what happens to our data once it's out there? It's like sending a message in a bottle, not knowing where it'll end up. Are we just laying bare our lives to be dissected and manipulated?
And like, why are they doing this? Well, the puppet masters behind these platforms use our data to create these mind-bending algorithms that tailor our online experiences. They're basically playing with our minds, man! The more they know about us, the better they can predict what we'll click, like, or shake!
In the vast landscape of social media, the intricacies of personal data and digital profiling intertwine with a pressing concern – the fate of independent news media and journalism. As we navigate this cosmic dance, recent years have witnessed a growing unease surrounding the right to free speech in the digital realm. Platforms like Twitter, once seen as open arenas for diverse voices, now grapple with controversies over content moderation, algorithmic biases, and the potential stifling of independent news outlets. The question of who controls the narrative and how these platforms impact the democratic right to free speech looms large. The dialogue extends beyond algorithms and data, delving into the delicate balance between fostering a diverse, inclusive digital space and safeguarding the principles of free expression that underpin a thriving society. It's a challenge that echoes through the digital fog, demanding a nuanced exploration of the evolving dynamics between social media, individual voices, and the foundational tenets of a free and open discourse.
Enoch might say; it’s like social media is this all-knowing digital oracle, and we're just dancing
 to its algorithmic tune. It's because these algorithms have an uncanny understanding of your digital psyche – a touch of magic, but with a hint of creepiness. Sure, there are perks to this data game. We get recommendations that seem to read our minds – Spotify suggesting the next jam. It's like having a personal assistant that's eerily good at guessing our desires. Yet, as we revel in the convenience, there's a twist in this digital tale. Not at all considering the many recent advances of AI power tools add applications.
Once these platforms have deciphered our digital DNA, they start nudging our behavior. Ever felt like ads magically appear for things you were just thinking about? It's not a coincidence, man. It's the algorithm whispering in your ear, urging you to "Buy this, click that, be like this." Suddenly, you're not steering the ship; the algorithm is, and it's a bit like falling down the rabbit hole. But let's not lose sight of the broader picture – the impact of social media on society and government. It's a digital revolution reshaping our reality.
Willy Wonka’s in media


Willy Wonka’s in media

