"Existence" satire at it's best, I think;
Wreck us to question it, and when no answer is sufficient, the meaning of existence becomes conditional.
"Meaning" mockery at its finest, I believe;
"Live a life of meaning, define it yourself", but a turn of gore and pragmatic talks of forlorn makes me a freak. 
"Non Judgemental" oh, the word that this new generation is built on;
I dont mind the judgements, for I too enjoy laughing at the face of hypocrisy.
"Secure Life" a way of modern slavery;
Oh how fun, to be educated the ways of humanity for 21 years; and then slave away, for your family and "future".
"Death" the only realistic convenience; in this idealistic vexed world;
Oh, what I would not give to embrace your solitude with open arms.
"Lover" synonyms with happiness, some people say, I wish I understood this word better;
For every time I think about that one person, 4 rivers apart, I wanna tear apart every inch of my life and swim to her.
Lemmings - a Poem


Lemmings - a Poem

You might be wondering why I put the photo of Ratatouille when the title is Lemmings and the poem's theme is a stance on life. It is simply a n 자세히 보기


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