Jada Hausers profil

World's Fastest Sloth - Band Merch Package

For this project, I created a merch package for a band I made up called "World's Fastest Sloth" (WFS). The package included an album cover, single covers, t-shirt, and a poster.
I pictured WFS having a very maximalist, experimental, and electronic sound. I listened to a lot of Aphex Twin and breakcore while designing this project and I wanted the visuals to match that sound!
Once I had the design for the album cover figured out, it was very easy to create the other deliverables. I simply took details from the main album design and translated them into other aspects of the project to create a uniform concept.
In addition to an album cover, we were tasked with creating a cover design for three singles from the album. I continued with my maximalist and oversaturated look to ensure they blended in with the rest of the branding.
I love the way the t-shirt came out. The design came from an element on the back of the album cover. I think it looks like a sloth in an abstract sort of way.
World's Fastest Sloth - Band Merch Package


World's Fastest Sloth - Band Merch Package
