Profil użytkownika „The 3rd Age”

Lotte Shopping 2013 Annual Report

Lotte Shopping 2013 Annual Report
Lotte Shopping is a global retail giant whose services span a broad mix of channels, including department stores, outlet stores, hypermarkets, home shopping, mobile shopping, and finance. It is constantly revamping its operational strategies to meet customers' changing lifestyles and the varying demands of the retail environment.
The goal of the company’s 2013 annual report, entitled "Brilliant Convergence," is to describe how these characteristics are reflected in its various operations. It believes that shopping should be a happy, enriching, and entertainingexperience—in other words, a “brilliant convergence."
This theme is reflected both by the AR’s cover, which includes eight icons, and by its inside pages, each of which is divided in the middle. This “splitting” effect is meant to  encourage interaction with the report’s readers, since both the graphics and the text “converge” whenever they turn a page, allowing them to experience how the company’s broad range of products, services, and channels do the same thing. This enables Lotte Shopping’s employees, shareholders, and other stakeholders to understand the concept with ease, through the medium of theAR’s own design.
It has been also produced as an app for easier experience.

Cover Superfine Eggshell 216g / Embossing
Binding Perfect Binding
Paper Superfine Smooth 118g / Simili 100g
Format 210 X 280 Mm
Print / Colors 6-Color Offset Printing (For The Cover) / 5-Color Offset Printing (For The Inner Sheet) / 2-ColorOffset (Financial Statements)
Lotte Shopping 2013 Annual Report

Lotte Shopping 2013 Annual Report

Lotte Shopping 2013 AR
