Very British por M+
Lo más cool de Reino Unido, reunido.

Identity, conceptualization, copywriting and design of all the motion graphics works for the pop up channel Very British by Movistar Plus+.
The content of this pop up was exclusively British series, documentaries and films, all together in one channel. That´s why the concept we decided for the pop up was: 
Lo más cool de Reino Unido, reunido (The coolest of United Kingdom, reunited).
In terms of image, we were inspired by something as British as the animated shorts that Terry Guilliam developed for Monty Python Flying Circus. The main character of our promo was an English bulldog, who told about all the programming included in the channel.




We based our bumpers on something as British as the “Keep Calm and Carry on" posters. All the headlines were in tone of humor with a mix of "British fun facts" and the programming of the channel.

Very British por Movistar Plus+
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